Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Follow up to Blog 8

I would now like you to return to your blog 8 entry and discuss a situation when you have been seen as the other--when your sex, race, habits, tastes etc. have clearly made somebody react negatively toward you and turn you into "the other" for them. Discuss the experience in detail and what you thought about the person as well as about yourself after this experience.

A time I have been considered the other is when visiting my own country. Although I am from Dominican Republic, I wouldn't consider myself the cliché thought of what a Dominican girl acts like (Looking after children, taking care of the men of the household, and cooking and cleaning on an hourly basis.) It struck my family members as strange when I wasn't picking up after my uncle's when they left the dinner table, or when I wouldn't change my younger cousin's diaper. I could tell they were displeased with me with the body language and stares they'd give me; although I would have if asked to, I felt like it wasn't my place to do all of those things because they were distant family. It sort of made me feel bad because I wasn't what my family in the Dominican Republic had expected, and it made me feel like I wasn't as responsible as I thought I was.

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