Imagine that we have the technology to put side by side two versions of yourself, one in early September and one today. Putting aside any physical differences (from hair to weight to clothes etc), what would the compare and contrast yield in terms of intellectual and emotional differences? You can discuss what happened in this class in terms of ideas you encountered, writing you did, people you got to know but you certainly do not have to limit the analysis to the classes you had with me only (or even just to college). Develop your response with a 400-word minimum
Compared to what my thoughts and expectations were in September, I guess I could say my original way of thinking has changed a lot. I was so accustomed to writing critical lens essays in high school where I would have to provide sufficient evidence and research that I never really bothered to include my own personal opinion in my writing. Despite the fact that the class has helped me express my opinions more through writing, I also have to say that working with other students has really opened my eyes. Interaction with them has really allowed me to look at different perspectives of a situation and not look at something as straight forward just because I feel that it is the right answer. Being able to work with them in terms of class work (commenting on blogs, critiquing), was also very comforting because of the weekly use of the blogs (I eventually got over the fact that my classmates were reading my assignments since it was a weekly thing). It became a fun task to look forward to, which was especially strange for me since I was not very sociable in high school. Because of the comfort, I made a lot of new friends that will hopefully be there for me in the long run. I also can’t forget to give credit to my professors, which really made a difference. It’s all about the deadlines, deadlines, and more deadlines now and despite it being annoying, or rather very annoying, I’d have to say that it’s really given me a lot of responsibility; especially since they aren’t always reminding you of the assignments that are due. It’s a real big change from what I’ve been brought out of, and I hope that it’ll only keep on changing with the rest of the courses and classes I’ll be taking here at LaGuardia.
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